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常 見 問 題

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  • 若在比賽當日忘記攜帶計時晶片,可否獲分配另一個晶片? If I forget to bring the Bib, will a new one be given to me?
    比賽當日不設補發號碼布,故參賽者需謹記帶同號碼布到會場,否則不能參賽。 Bib and Timing Chip will not be distributed on the Race Day. Please remember to bring your Bib with Timing Chip, or else you could not participate in the race.
  • 可否與其他人交換號碼布使用? Can I exchange my Bib with other person?
    不可以。每個號碼布及計時晶片與參賽者的資料已於賽前作好配對,故此號碼布及計時晶片是不能交換的,更不能轉讓或轉售給其他人使用。如有發現,參賽者及交換使用者之比賽成績會一併被取消。 No. Each Bib & Timing Chip has been matched with the participant’s information prior to the race. Therefore, Entries, Bibs and Timing Chips are non-transferable and non-salable. Violation will result in disqualification.
  • 完成比賽可獲得什麼? What can I get after finishing the race?
    完成賽事之合資格參賽者可獲得完賽禮物及電子完賽證書。於2024年第5次參加揹水一戰者可額外獲得一個揹水大滿貫獎牌。於2024年第6次或以上參加揹水一戰者可額外獲得刻名餐具套裝乙套。 Upon race completion, qualified participants will receive finisher medal, socks and a finisher e-certificate. Participants who have joined the race for 5 times by 2024 shall receive an additional Grand Slam medal. Participants who have joined the race for 6 times or more by 2024 shall receive an additional engraved cutlery set.
  • 完賽證書與參與證書有什麼分別? What is the difference between the Finisher Certificate and the Certificate of Participation?
    完成證書 – 頒發給個人或全隊所有參賽者都按照大會規則揹水行畢全程,并通過指定裝備檢查的參賽者。而證書上會印有完成時間。 參與證書 – 頒發給有按時起步的參加者而又未能依大會規則揹水行畢全程或符合獲取完成證書條件的參加者。而證書上會不會顯示完成時間。 Finisher Certificate – For participants and teams, who completed the official route, passed the Mandatory Gear check and complied with all the race regulations. Finish time will be shown on the Finisher Certificate. Certificate of Participation – For participants who started the race on time but do not meet all the criterion of receiving a Finisher Certificate. No finish time will be shown on the Certificate of Participation.
  • 何時及在哪裡可查閱到比賽成績? When and where can I check my result?
    2024年3月10日:各組勝出名單將於比賽當日在起點區公佈及頒獎 2024年3月13日:初步成績於比賽網站公佈(包括名次) 2024年3月18日:於比賽網站查閱大會成績及下載電子證書 10 March 2024: Winner’s list will be announced and awards will be presented at the Start Point on the Race Day 13 March 2024: Announcement of preliminary results (ranking included) 18 March 2024: Release of official result and E-cert will be available for download
  • 獎項是根據大會時間(鳴槍時間)還是個人時間而頒發? Are prizes presented according to Official ("Gun") Time or Net Time?"
    所有獎項是根據國際認可的大會時間(即鳴槍時間)而決定頒發。晶片時間只供參賽者參考之用。 All prizes will be awarded according to Gun Times and this is in accordance with the IAAF competition rules. Net times are for personal reference only.
  • 頒獎典禮在何時及在那裏舉行? When and where will the Prize Presentation Ceremony be commenced?
    頒奬典禮定於比賽當日起點舉行,得獎者均獲邀請出席。 The Prize Presentation Ceremony will be commenced at the Starting Area on the Race Day. All award winners will be invited to receive their awards.
  • 比賽當天,如對公佈的成績有爭議,可以怎樣? What should I do if there is any dispute regarding the results on the Race Day?
    優勝者或可能得獎者若於比賽當天對成績有任何爭議或查詢,必須在成績公布後30分鐘內立即向大會提出。大會保留不接納任何其後提交之爭議或上訴之權利。 比賽完畢後,所有其他參賽者若對個人成績有任何爭議或上訴,大會將於2024年3月13日在活動網站公佈初步成績,如參賽者對初步成績有任何質疑,必須於2024年3月13日 23:59 前電郵至 提出上訴。大會保留不接納任何其後提交之爭議或上訴之權利。 Appeals should be raised ouy to the Organizer within 30 minutes after the result is posted on the result notice board. The Organizer reserves the right not to accept any disputes or appeals after the said period. Preliminary result will be released on race website on 13 March 2024. Appeals should be submitted by email to by 23:59 on 13 March 2024. The Organizer reserves the right not to accept any disputes or appeals after the said period.
  • 得獎者應何時及在那裏報到? Where and when should the prize winners report to?
    得獎者必須帶同身份證明文件於成績公報後30分鐘内到得獎者報到處報到。如得獎者未能出席參與典禮,大會將會安排工作人員代為領獎,並不作另行通知。 Winners must present their proof of identity to the Winners’ Booth located next to the stage 30 minutes after the announcement of winning result. If winners failed to attend the Prize Presentation Ceremony, Officials will redeem his/her prize on their behalf without any notice in advance.
  • 參賽者是否有年齡限制? Is there any age requirement for the race?
    有。參賽者必須於2024年3月10日或以前年滿16歲,未年滿18歲者必須於2023年10月30日或之前填妥及遞交家長或監護人同意書。 All participants MUST be aged 16 or above on or before 10 March 2024. Participants under 18 years old must submit the PARENT or GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM to the Organizer on or before 30 October 2023.
  • 除了年齡限制外,各賽事有否其他限制? Besides age, is there any other entry requirement?
    企業盃最少兩位成員必須來自同一機構,本會有權要求參賽者出示有關證明文件。 Corporate Cup: At least 2 team members should be from the same organization. A Drop of Life reserves the right to ask the team to present their employment proof.
  • 有什麼比賽組別?是否所有賽事均設有獎項? What are the race categories? Will there be awards for all categories?
    比賽分為奪標組及體驗組,只有奪標組設有獎項。詳情請 按此 。 There are two categories: CHALLENGE and EXPERIENCE. Only the CHALLENGE category has awards. Click here.
  • 各賽事之起步時間、時限?首幾名可獲獎?What are the starting time and time limit for the races? What are the awards?
    按此 Clcik here
  • 當天有沒有特別交通配套安排? Is there any special transportation arrangement on the Race Day?
    不會,比賽當日並不設接駁巴士服務,惟大會鼓勵參賽者乘搭公共交通工具前往起點,疏導路面交通。本會亦建議參賽者於起步時間一小時前到達起點。 No, the Organiser will not provide any shuttle bus service on race day. However, we highly encourage participants to take public transportation to avoid traffic jam. Participants are also advised to arrive the Start Point at least 1 hour prior to the start time of race.
  • 報名什麼時候開始?報名費是多少?最低籌款額又是多少?是否設有籌款獎項? When will the registration begin? How much is the entry fee? What is the minimum donation? Is there any fundraising award?
    正式報名日期為2023年10月3日至10月30日。報名費、最低籌款額及籌款獎項詳情請 按此 。 The registration period is from 3 October to 30 October 2023. Click here fort the details of the entry fee, minimum donation and fundraising award.
  • 最低籌款額是否必須要繳交?是否必須於報名時同時繳交? Is it compulsory to fulfil the minimum donation requirement? Do I need to pay it during registration?
    參賽者及隊伍必須於報名時繳交最低籌款額以確認參賽資格,參賽者可於成功報名後所建立之籌款網頁繼續籌募善款,或以籌款表格繳交。惟必須於2024年3月6日或以前繳交。 Yes, it is compulsory and must be paid during registration. After registration is completed, you are welcome to continue raising fund through your fundraising page or through the donation form. All donations must be submitted on or before 6 March 2024.
  • 有甚麼報名及繳交報名費方法? How should I make the payment?
    參賽者可使用以下方法報名及繳交報名費: 1/ 信用卡於網上報名 2/ 電郵索取報名表格後以支票或銀行入數 - 支票抬頭「點滴是生命」或 「A Drop of Life」,連同籌款表格寄回「點滴是生命」 - 銀行入數收據正本連同籌款表格寄回「點滴是生命」 匯豐銀行戶口:144-271491-001 中國銀行戶口:012-616-00005938 3/ 於辦公時間親臨「點滴是生命辦公室」 - 辦公時間:星期一至五,上午9時至晚上6時 (公眾假期除外) Participants can: 1/ Make online payment via credit card during registration 2/ Pay by cheque or bank deposit after filling in the donation form via email - Please mail the donation form together with the cheque (titling “A Drop of Life”) to A Drop of Life - Please mail the bank deposit receipt together with the donation form to A Drop of Life HSBC: 144-271491-001 Bank of China: 012-616-00005938 3/ Visit A Drop of Life during office hours. - Working hour: Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm (Public Holiday excluded)
  • 網上報名有什麼付款方法? What are the payment methods for online registration?
    網上報名付款只接受Visa卡、萬事達卡或美國運通卡。 You may make the online payment via credit card (Master Card, Visa Card and American Express).
  • 網上報名可以修改捐款收據資料嗎? May I change the donation recipients’ information after online registration?
    如於網上報名時已繳付最低籌款額之參賽者,可於2024年3月10日前登入你的個人籌款網頁修改捐款收據資料一次。 Yes. If you have paid the minimum donation during online registration, you can change the recipients’ information once before 10 March 2024, by logging in to your fundraising page.
  • 何時發出捐款收據? When will I get the donation receipt?
    捐款收據將於2024年3月31日透過電郵發出。 Donation receipt will be sent on 31 March 2024 via email.
  • 已登記報名,但收不到任何通知該怎麼辦? What should I do if I have registered but receive no notification?
    登記成功電郵將於報名登記後發出。如遇到任何系統錯誤或收不到任何上述之通知,請致電大會熱線 (852) 2735 8377或電郵至 查詢。 An acknowledgement email will be sent once your registration is submitted. If you experience any system error or do not receive the aforementioned email, please call A Drop of Life: (852) 2735 8377 or email .
  • 如在報名後不能出賽,可以怎辦? What should I do if I cannot participate after registration?
    參加者無論在任何情況下退出是次比賽,已繳交之報名費及捐款將在任何情況下均不獲退還。 If any participants withdraws from the race for whatever reason, none of the registration fees and donations will be refunded under any circumstances.
  • 可不可更換隊員? Can I change team member?
    1/ 2023年10月30日或之前:登入你的報名帳戶免費更改隊員資料。 2/ 2023年10月31日至2024年3月6日:需經大會系統覆核並收取港幣$100行政費用。 3/ 2024年3月6日後:不得更改任何隊員資料。 更改隊員資料只限於下列情況,隊長、組別、起步時間及距離一律不能更改,任何組別只限更換同一性別的隊員,可更換的隊員數目詳情如下: - 二人組:最多可更換一名同一性別隊員 - 四人組:最多可更換兩名同一性別隊員 - 企業盃:最多可更換兩名同一性別隊員,當中必須兩位成員來自同一機構 如需更改隊員資料,請登入你的帳戶 (登入鏈結已附於確認電郵內) 。 1/ On or before 30 October 2023: You may log in to your registration account to update the team member information for free. 2/ 31 October 2023 to 6 March 2024: HKD100 administrative fee will be charged upon any successful change of team member. 3/ After 6 March 2024: NO change of team member is allowed . Change of team member information is subjected to the below rules. Team leader, race category, start time and distance CANNOT be changed. You can only replace team member(s) of the same gender. The maximum number of replacable team member(s) is(are): - Team of 2: can change up to 1 member of the same gender. - Team of 4: can change up to 2 members of the same gender - Corporate Cup: can change up to 2 members of the same gender (At least 2 team members should be from the same organization.) Please log on to your registration account to make changes accordingly (you can find the URL of your registration account in the confirmation email)
  • 更換隊員需要手續費嗎?Is there any fee for changing member(s)?
    所有更換隊員手續費一經繳交恕不發還,手續費並非捐款,不可用作申請稅項寬減,詳情如下: 1/ 2023年10月30日或之前:登入報名帳戶更改隊員資料手續費獲豁免。 2/ 2023年10月31日至2024年3月6日:更改隊員資料,需經大會系統覆核後,將收取港幣$100行政費用。因號碼布已完成製作未能趕及印刷新資料,新隊員只需攜帶印有舊隊員資料的號碼布參賽便可。新隊員的資料將於大會系統及完賽証書中顯示。 - 信用卡: 經網上登入籌款網頁更改 - 銀行轉帳:銀行入數收據正本連同更換隊員表格寄回「點滴是生命」 匯豐銀行戶口:144-271491-001 中國銀行戶口:012-616-00005938 - 現金:現金連同更換隊員表格,於辦公時間親臨「點滴是生命」辦公室 辦公時間:星期一至五,上午9時至晚上6時 (公眾假期除外) - Payme: 經 交易後,截取Payme交易成功畫面,連同更換隊員表格電郵至 或whatsapp 至 (852) 9135 2383 3/ 於2024年3月6日後,不得更改任何隊員資料。 *比賽當日不得更換隊員 Please note that the administrative charge is non-refundable. It cannot be regarded as a donation hence it is not tax-deductible. Details as below: 1/ On or before 30 October 2023: You may log in to your registration account to update the team member information for free. 2/ 31 October 2023 to 6 March 2024: HKD$100 administrative fee will be charged upon any successful change of team member information. Due to production is finished, the information on Bib cannot be updated. Any changed members can use the Bib with previous members’ info on race day. The records in race system and completion certificate will be updated with new members’ info. - Credit card: please log in to your registration account for the payment - Bank transfer: please mail the bank deposit receipt together with the Change of Member Form to A Drop of Life - Cash: please visit A Drop of Life during office hours and submit the cash together with the Change of Member Form in person Working hour: Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm (Public Holiday excluded) - Payme: make payment via . Please send the screen cap of result page for the successful payment together with the Change of Member Form to email: or whatsapp: (852) 9135 2383. 3/ After 6 March 2024: No change of team member is allowed. * No change of team member is allowed on race day
  • 隊制組別完成時間以什麼為準則? How to calculate the Finishing Time of teams?
    每組參賽者需按規則完成指定路線,並以最後一名隊員通過終點的完成時間為準。 All participants should finish the race with the designated route. The Finishing Time of the Team is based on the time at which the last member crosses the finish line.
  • 何時及在哪裡領取揹水戰包及竹籃? When and where can I pick up my Race Pack?
    按此 參考揹水戰包及竹籃領取安排及時間。請密切留意大會發出之電郵通知。 Click here for the schedule of Race Pack and basket collection. Details will be announced through email.
  • 是否可授權他人代領揹水戰包及竹籃? Is it be possible to authorize another person to pick up my Race Pack on my behalf?
    可以授權他人領取揹水戰包及竹籃,受權人士必須於領取時出示參賽者確認電郵以作證明。 Yes. You can authorize a third-party for Race Pack and basket collection, but he/she must present the participant’s confirmation email as a proof.
  • 是否可以更換T恤的尺碼? Can I change the size of the T-shirt?
    否。遞交報名表後,T恤尺碼不能更改。大會並不保證能提供參賽者所預訂的T恤尺碼,所派發的尺碼將視乎存貨量而作適當分配。 No. The size of T-shirt cannot be changed after registration. There is no guarantee that your selected size will be available. The T-shirt size given to participants will be subjected to stock availability.
  • 揹水戰包內包括什麼? What is included in the Race Pack?
    揹水戰包內物品包括: 1/ 號碼布連計時晶片 (裱貼於號碼布背後) 及行李牌 (請留意號碼布上的姓名、性別,參賽組別等資料是否正確) 2/ 揹水一戰2024 T恤 (T恤尺碼不能更改) 3/ 竹籃 Each Race Pack includes: 1/ Runner Bib & Timing Chip (attached at the back of the bib) with Baggage Tag (Please ensure the personal details printed on the label is correct) 2/ Race for Water 2024 T-shirt (size of the T-shirt cannot be changed) 3/ Bamboo basket
  • 比賽當日應穿著什麼衣服? What should I wear on the Race Day?
    應穿著運動服及運動鞋,參賽者必須佩帶號碼布參賽及清楚展示於當眼位置,以便工作人員辨認。 Please put on proper sportswear and running shoes. Remember to put the bib (with the timing chip) on your chest with clear visibility at all times during the race to ensure easier identification for race officials.
  • 在比賽當日應攜帶什麼? What should I bring on Race Day?
    所有參賽者必須攜帶手提電話及佩帶號碼布 (連計時晶片) ,並扣於當眼位置,如需大會暫存衣物,請帶備大會提供行李牌並扣上行李以資識別,屆時將行李放在指定的地點。大會建議參賽者必須於比賽起跑前20分鐘辦妥行李寄存。請勿存放貴重物品。大會將不會負責任何財物之遺失或損壞。 參賽者亦請攜帶早前派發之竹籃,賽事當天不會派發。 You must bring the Mobile Phone, Bib (with timing chip) and safety pins to the race. If you wish to deposit your belongings, please bring along the official baggage tag provided by the Organizer, and deposit them at the designated location, with at least 20 minutes before your Start Time. Please do not deposit valuable item(s). The Organizer will not be responsible for any loss or damage of personal belongings. Participants should also bring the basket collected earlier. No basket will be distributed on the race day.
  • 參賽者需要為比賽購買任何個人保險嗎? Do I need to purchase my own insurance?
    大會已購買第三者責任及團體意外保險,而參賽者須自行承擔在比賽期間之所有風險。為保障個人安全,大會建議參賽者應按需要自行購買個人意外保險或其他合適的保險。大會建議參賽者在報名前可先行了解自己的身體狀況是否適合比賽,考慮所參賽的路程,方才報名參加。如對自己的身體狀況有任何疑問時,請向醫生查詢後方才出賽。 Participants on designated route are covered by Public Liability and Group Personal Accident on race day only, including without limitation negligence. Participants are advised to purchase your own personal accident insurance and other relevant insurance according to your needs. Participants are also advised to seek medical advice from your doctor before the race to check if they are fit enough to complete the distance they have selected.
  • 如果在比賽當日忘記攜帶號碼布,參賽者是否仍能進入起跑區? If I forget to bring my bib on the race day, can I still race?"
    否。大會工作人員有權禁止沒有佩帶或未有帶上有效號碼布之人士進入起跑區及進行比賽。 No. If you forget to bring your bib, you will not be allowed to start the race.
  • 到達起點後需要向賽會工作人員報到嗎? Do I need to report to any officials for check-in upon my arrival on the Race Day?
    不需要。只需在寄存行李後 (若使用賽會提供的行李寄存服務) ,自行前往等候區便可。工作人員將於起步時間十分鐘前帶領參賽者前往起步區。請預留充足時間辦妥寄存行李服務。 No, after depositing your baggage (if necessary), you can proceed to the Waiting Zone. You will be guided to the Start Area by Race Officials 10 minutes before the Start Time of your race. As there might be queues at the baggage area, please reserve sufficient time for baggage deposit.
  • 什麼時候領取5公升水? When will I get the 5L water?
    將於比賽當日派發。 The bottled water will be distributed on the Race Day.
  • 賽事是否設有截止起步時間? Is there any cut off times for the races?
    是。截止起步時間為每槍起跑時間後10分鐘,為確保賽事在有系統及有秩序下進行,大會將於截止起步時間,在起點設置欄網,禁止於截止起步時間後到場之參賽者起步。如參賽者不依照報名組別的起步時間起步,將會被取消資格。 Yes. In order to provide an orderly and organized competition, cut off times will be set 10 minutes after each Start Time. Any late entry to at the Start Area will be banned by Race Officials. Participants should start the race according to their specified start time. Any violators will be disqualified.
  • 若於檢查站關閉時間後到達會怎樣? What if I arrive at Checkpoints or Water Stations after its closing time?
    參賽者必須於檢查站關閉時間前通過檢查站以完成賽事。 若果參賽者於檢查站關閉時間後才到達該檢查站,將會被視為未完成賽事或取消資格,參賽者仍可繼續完成賽事,惟大會只會簽發參與證書,並不會簽發完賽證書。參與證書上是不會顯示完成時間的。 Participants must arrive the all the Checkpoints before its closing time to complete the race. Participants who fail to arrive at any Checkpoint(s) before its closing time will be disqualified. Participants can choose to continue the race, they will receive a Certificate of Participation, no Finisher Certificate will be issued. No finishing time will be show on the Certification of Participation.
  • 水站及檢查站於什麼位置? Where are the Checkpoints and Water Stations?
    按此 Click here
  • 是否必須通過每個計時感應器? Do I have to pass through all timing sensors?
    參賽者須按照指定路線通過所有計時感應器。如參賽者沒有通過當中任何一個感應器,將有機會被視為未完成賽事或取消資格。 Participants must pass through all timing sensors allocated on the race route. Participants who fail to pass through any of the sensors will be regarded as race incompletion, and may be disqualified.
  • 水站及檢查站有什麼提供? What will be provided at Checkpoints and Water Stations?
    1/ 起點: 嘉諾撒培德書院 飲用水、水果、洗手間、計時感應器、急救服務 2/ 15km檢查站: 香港仔上水塘主壩 及 布力徑涼亭 飲用水、運動飲品、水果、計時感應器、急救服務 3/ 30km水站: 薄扶林二號配水庫 飲用水、水果 4/ 30km特別檢查站: 施勳道 及 布力徑700級樓梯頂 計時感應器 5/ 30km檢查站: 夏力道、香港仔上水塘主壩 及 布力徑涼亭 飲用水、運動飲品、水果、計時感應器、急救服務 6/ 終點: 香港仔郊野公園(衝線) 及 嘉諾撒培德書院(領取完賽禮物) 飲用水、運動飲品、水果、洗手間、計時感應器、急救服務 1/ Start Point: Pui Tak Canossian College Drinking water, fruits, toilets, timing sensor and first aid services 2/ 15km Checkpoint: Upper Aberdeen Reservoir Main Dam and Black’s Link Pavilion Drinking water, energy drinks, fruits, timing sensor and first aid services 3/ 30km Water Station: H015 Drinking water and fruits 4/ 30km Special Checkpoint: Severn Road and Black’s Link Timing Sensor 5/ 30km Checkpoint: Harlech Road, Upper Aberdeen Reservoir Main Dam and Black’s Link Pavilion Drinking water, energy drinks, fruits, timing sensor and first aid services 6/ Finish Point: Aberdeen Country Park (finish line) and Pui Tak Canossian College (collection of finisher’s gift) Drinking water, energy drinks, fruits, toilet, timing sensor and first aid services
  • 必須在每一個檢查站及水站檢查揹水竹籃及水嗎? Is it necessary to check the basket and bottled water at each Checkpoint and Water Station?
    不需要。參賽者可抵達終點後,才需到達「檢查區」讓大會工作人員檢查揹水竹籃及水。如參賽者在比賽期間卸水或所揹水樽蓋曾經打開,或曾飲用,將視為未完成賽事。但大會建議在參賽者在比賽途中需檢查揹水竹籃及水有否損壞,如有任何損壞,請到最近的檢查站或水站更換新籃或新水方可繼續行程,不能隨意卸水於任何路段上。 No. Officials will inspect both the basket and the bottled water at “Water checking booth” at the Finish Point. If the water has been disposed, consumed or opened, the participant’s race will be considered as incomplete. We suggest participants to check for damages during the race, and ask for replacement at the closest Checkpoint or Water Station. Please do not open the bottled water during the race.
  • 若要中途退出比賽,應該怎辦? What should I do if I need to withdraw halfway?
    如參賽者有意中途退出,必須於就近的檢查站或水站卸下竹籃及水,並通知大會工作人員退出,再自行安排交通工具離開。 You should proceed to the nearest Checkpoint or Water Station, unload your basket and bottled water and declare your intention of withdrawal to the Race Officials. Please arrange your own transportation for leaving.
  • 行李寄存在哪裡及何時關閉? Where is the baggage deposit area? When will it be closed?
    行李寄存處在起點一樓禮堂,關閉時間為下午5時30分。請先到鄰近課室的竹籃整理區裝備竹籃,再隨身帶備需要用品 (大會建議攜帶適量現金及電量充足的手提電話供求救之用) ,才寄存行李,行李寄存後將於賽事完畢後才可領回。大會建議行李寄存服務必須於比賽起跑前20分鐘辦妥。 Baggage deposit services are provided for free at the 1/F Hall of Start Point. It will be closed at 5:30pm. Please firstly go to the Basket Handling Area to prepare your Race Basket and pack your personal belongings before depositing your baggage. The Organizer recommend all participants to bring sufficient cash and a charged mobile for life-saving purpose. Participants can only collect their baggage after the race. Baggage deposit should be completed 20 minutes before Start Time.
  • 如發現行李遺失了,可以怎麼辦? What should I do if my baggage is lost?
    如發現行李遺失,請與詢問處工作人員查詢。 Please seek assistance at the info centre.
  • 賽後領回行李需時多久? How long does it take to collect the baggage?
    參賽者可即時於賽後領回行李,行李寄存關閉時間為下午5時30分。 Participants may collect their baggage right after the race. The baggage deposit area will be closed at 5:30pm.
  • 若沒有按照指定參賽組別時間起跑,會怎樣? What will happen if I run the start at the wrong Start Time?
    若參賽者沒有按照指定參賽組別之起步時間出發或自行轉換組別,將會被視為未完成賽事或取消資格,并不獲發完賽證書。 Participants who do not start at the designated Start Time and race category will be disqualified. No results and certificate will be issued to those participants.
  • 揹水一戰有指定裝備嗎? Is there any Mandatory Gears for Race for Water?
    有。號碼布、手提電話、大會提供的揹水竹籃及未開封的5公升水爲揹水一戰的指定裝備。 賽事進行期間,各參賽者必須攜帶所有指定裝備走畢全程。大會有權在賽事進行中作裝備檢查,而所有參賽者必須通過於終點的裝備檢查,如欠缺任何指定裝備或指定裝備違規,將會被視為未完成賽事或取消資格,并不獲發完賽證書。 Yes. Bib Number, Mobile Phone, Race Basket and 5L Bottled Water are the Mandatory Gears for Race for Water. Each participant will need to carry all the Mandatory Gears with them at all times to complete the entire course. There will be random gear checks during the event, and all participants will have to pass the Mandatory Gears check at the Finish Point. If any Mandatory item is missing or not up to standard may lead to disqualification. No results and certificate will be issued to those participants。
  • 若將號碼布連計時晶片轉交其他人使用,會是怎樣? What will happen if I exchange or transfer my Bib and Timing Chip with/to another person?
    號碼布及計時晶片不得轉讓,如有代跑者,將取消參賽者及代跑者之比賽資格。 Bib and Timing Chip are non-transferable once your entry is accepted. Upon discovery of such irregularities, participants will be disqualified.
  • 如參賽者因體力問題需要退出比賽,可於什麼位置卸水? Where can I unload the water bottle if I cannot continue due to physical reasons?
    如參賽者因體力問題需要退出比賽,可於任何檢查站或水站卸下竹籃及水,並通知大會工作人員退出,再自行安排交通工具離開。參賽者不能於任何路段上隨意卸水。 Participants who cannot continue the race due to physical reason can unload their basket and bottled water at any Checkpoints or Water Stations along the route and declare your intention of withdrawal to the Checkpoint Officials. Please arrange your own transportation for leaving. Please do not unload the bottled water at other places along the race route.
  • 可以背包代替揹水竹籃嗎? Can I use a backpack to carry the water instead of the basket?
    大會原意是希望參賽者利用大會提供的竹籃及肩帶揹水,以感受山區居民揹水的辛酸。所以參賽者必須使用大會提供的竹籃及肩帶(不得使用非大會提供的其他容器、背囊或肩帶)揹水。 大會只接受參賽者用循環再用及可卸除的物料於大會提供的肩帶上包上軟墊以增加舒適度;或在竹籃內加有固定水樽位置的物品, 其餘一律不可接受, 如有發現將會被取消資格。在歸還竹籃及肩帶前必須自行清理及移除一切附加的物料。 The idea of Race for Water is to ask Participants to use the bamboo basket and shoulder strap provided by the Organiser to experience the hardship of peasants who carry water from faraway water source. Therefore participants must use the basket and shoulder straps provided by the Organiser (but not other carrier, backpack or straps) to carry the water. The Organiser will only accept participants to put reusable and removable materials to wrap around the straps to provide comfort of put into the basket to fix the position of the bottled water. Other assisting materials will not be allowed. Violators will be disqualified. All add-on materials must be removed before returning the basket and straps to the Organiser.
  • 可找非隊員幫忙揹竹籃及水嗎? Can I ask non-team members to carry the basket and bottled water?
    各種形式之協助只限於同組隊員之間。參賽者必須自行揹負竹籃及水,如有非隊員在賽事進行期間替任何參賽者揹竹籃或水,該參賽者/隊伍將被取消參賽資格。 All forms of assistance are limited to the participants within the same team. Participants must carry the basket and bottled water on their own. If a non-team member is found carrying the basket and/or bottled water for any participant during the event, the participant and team will be disqualified.
  • 比賽前或比賽中途遇上惡劣天氣怎麼辦? Is there any adverse weather arrangement?
    大會在考慮路況及參加者的安全因數後,或會就比賽路線作出適當調整,屆時請跟從義工指示。 - 如在開賽前因惡劣天氣而取消比賽,大會將在當日上午5時以短訊形式通知各參賽者 - 如在比賽期間因惡劣天氣需要中止比賽,大會將以短訊形式通知各參賽者,屆時請聽從在場工作人員及義工指示盡快離開山徑,並前往安全地方 - 請密切留意SMS短訊及Facebook專頁的即時公佈 *如因惡劣天氣取消比賽,報名費及捐款將不獲退還。 Affected by the weather, the Organiser may take public safety and road condition into consideration and make adjustments on the route accordingly. Please follow instructions given on the race day. - If the race has to be cancelled due to severe weather, the Organiser will inform all participants via SMS at 5am on the race day. - If the race has to be terminated after started, the Organiser will inform all participants via SMS. Please follow instructions given by the staffs and volunteers and proceed to temporary shelters. - Please check SMS and our Facebook page for the latest update. *Should the race be cancelled due to severe weather, no refund will be made.
  • 大會緊急電話號碼是什麼? What is the emergency contact of the Organizer?
    比賽當日大會緊急電話:(+852) 5626 7333 Emergency contact on race day: (+852) 5626 7333
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