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​條 款 及 細 則


All Race for Water participants MUST read the following terms and conditions and accept them upon registration.

參加資格 Requirements

  1. 參加者必須於2024年3月10日或以前年滿16歲,未年滿18歲者必須於2023年10月30日或之前填妥及向主辦機構遞交家長或監護人同意書。
    All participants MUST be aged 16 or above on or before 10 March 2024. Participants under 18 years old must submit a duly completed parent or guardian consent form to the Organizer on or before 30 October 2023.


  2. 所有參加者必須於截止報名日期2023年10月30日或之前完成報名手續,當中包括但不限於繳交報名費及最低籌款額及提供所需文件,才獲得參加資格。
    To be eligible for the race, participants must complete the registration procedure on or before the application deadline 30 October 2023, including but not limited to paying the registration fees and minimum donation amount and providing the required documents.


  3. 每名參加者只可報名參與一項賽事,主辦機構保留限制及拒絕接受報名的決定權
    Each participant can only enroll in one race category. The Organizer reserves the right to restrict or reject any registration.


  4. 參加者必須理解比賽所涉及的風險及所需之體能負荷,參加者有責任確保身體狀況適合參與並能完成比賽。如有疑問,請先咨詢醫生意見。任何懷孕或患有慢性疾病如心臟病及高血壓的人士,皆不宜參加。主辦機構在得悉或懷疑的情況下,保留取消或不容許任何不合適人士參加的權利,而參加者確認將接受主辦機構的決定
    Participants should understand the potential risks involved in taking part in the race and acknowledge the degree of fitness required. Participants should take the responsibility to ensure that they are physically fit to participate and finish the race. Participants are suggested to seek medical advice in advance if you have doubt. Any person who is pregnant or suffering from any chronic disease such as heart disease or high blood pressure should not participate in the race. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or deny the registration of any person who is known or suspected to have such conditions; and the participant hereby acknowledges that the decision of the Organizer shall be binding upon him/her.

更換隊員Change Team Member(s)

  1. 任何二人組、四人組或企業組需更換隊員,需填妥「更換隊員表格」,連同更換隊員手續費(如適用)郵寄/親身遞交至主辦機構位於香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴厘道3號星光行1915室的辦事處。
    Any team entries of team of 2, team of 4 or corporate team which wishes to make changes to its team member(s) shall submit a completed Application Form for Changing Team Member(s) together with the required administration fee, if any, through mail or in person to the Organizer's office at Room 1915, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

  2. 各參加隊伍只限更換隊員,不能更換隊長。二人組最多可更換一名隊員,四人組最多可更換兩名隊員,新換入的隊員必需與被換走的成員性別相同。企業組最多可更換兩名隊員,而被換入的隊員必須與隊長來自同一機構。
    For team entries, only team members, but not the team leader, can be changed. The maximum number of team member(s) that can be changed for a team of 2 and a team of 4 are ONE and TWO, respectively, and the gender of the incoming member(s) shall be the same as the gender of the outgoing member(s). For corporate teams, the maximum number of team members that can be changed is TWO and they must be from the same organization as the team leader.

  3. 各參加隊伍可於2023年10月30日前免費更換隊員一次。行使此權利,必須於2023年10月30日下午6時前將填妥的更換隊員申請表交回主辦機構辦事處。所有額外或於2023年10月30日下午6時後收到的申請,將需收取港幣100元/申請的手續費。
    Each team entry will have the right to change its team member(s) once free-of-charge before 30 October 2023. To exercise such right, the completed Application Form for Changing Team Member(s) must reach the Organizer's office by 6pm on 30 October 2023.All additional application(s) or application(s) received after 6pm 30 October 2023 will be subject to an administration fee of HKD100/occasion.

  4. 為避免異議,主辦機構不接受任何更換隊長、組別、時間及距離的申請。
    For the avoidance of doubt, the Organizer will not entertain any request for change of team leader, race category, timeslot and race distance.

賽事規則 Race Rules

  1. 參加者必須徒步完成賽事。
    Participants must complete the race course on foot.


  2. 參加者必須佩帶號碼布連計時晶片,並扣於胸前及外露,踏上設於起點、終點、沿途的計時墊或計時感應器。如因錯誤佩戴,或參加者未能踏上所有計時墊或計時感應器而導致成績紀錄失誤,將有機會被取消資格或視為未完成賽事。本會不會為任何成績紀錄失誤負責。
    Participants must bring and display the race bib with timing chip clearly visible on chest during the race, and are required to step on the timing mats or timing sensors located at the starting point, finishing point and other timing locations. Any incorrect or inaccurate timing record resulting from any improper use of the race bib or timing chip, or failure to step on all the timing mats or timing sensors may lead to disqualification, or the relevant participant may be deemed as not having completed the entire course. The Organizer will not be responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate timing record.


  3. 體驗組參加者不設比賽排名及獎項。
    Participants who take part in the Experience Category will not be entitled to any ranking or award for the race.


  4. 號碼布及計時晶片不得轉讓、交換或售賣,如有代跑者,本會將取消參加者及代跑者之比賽資格,且本會不會作出退款。
    Participants are strictly prohibited from transferring, swapping or selling race bibs or timing chips. If there is any runner running on behalf of a participant, both the runner and the participant will be disqualified, and no refund will be made.


  5. 參加賽者必須熟讀路線,緊隨活動路徑前進,嚴禁另走捷徑或非官方路線。參加者若被發現違規,將會被取消比賽資格。
    Participants should study the race route carefully and follow the instructions and signage set on the route. Using short-cuts or any unofficial routes is strictly prohibited and will be disqualified once discovered.


  6. 如參加者不依照其報名組別時間起步,其將會被取消資格。
    Any participants who fail to start the race according to the specified starting time for his or her registered category will be disqualified.


  7. 參加者須在檢查站及水站相關的關閉時間前到達。未能在關閉之前到達所有檢查站及水站的參加者將會被取消資格。
    Participants should pass through all checkpoints and water stations before their respective closing time. Participants who fail to arrive at all checkpoints and water stations before closing will be disqualified.


  8. 號碼布連計時晶片、手提電話、主辦機構提供的揹水竹籃及未開封的5公升水爲「揹水一戰」的指定裝備。
    Race bib with timing chip, mobile phone, bamboo basket provided by the Organizer and unopened 5L bottled water are mandatory gears of Race for Water.


  9. 參加者必須攜帶所有指定裝備走畢全程。主辦機構有權在賽事進行中作裝備檢查,而所有參加者必須通過於終點的裝備檢查,如欠缺任何指定裝備或指定裝備違規,將會被取消資格或視為未完成賽事。
    Participants must carry all the mandatory gears throughout the entire course of the race to complete the race. The Organizer reserves the right to conduct random gear checks during the race. All participants must complete a gear check at the finishing point. Absence of any mandatory gear or violation of any rules relating thereto may lead to disqualification, or the relevant participant may be deemed as not having completed the entire course.


  10. 參加者應在比賽途中需檢查揹水竹籃及水有否損壞,如在比賽途中有任何損壞,參加者須到最近的檢查站或水站更換新竹籃或新水方可繼續行程。
    Participants should check if there is any damage to the bamboo basket and bottled water during the race. In case of any damage during the race, participants should ask for replacement at the nearest checkpoint or water station before continuing with the race.


  11. 參加者在比賽期間卸水或所揹水樽蓋曾經打開,或曾飲用,將會被取消資格或視為未完成賽事。
    If the bottled water is unloaded, opened or consumed at any time during the race, the relevant participant will be disqualified or considered as not having completed the entire course.


  12. 參加者必須使用主辦機構提供的竹籃及肩帶(不得使用非主辦機構提供的其他容器、背囊或肩帶)揹5公升水。參加者可於主辦機構提供的肩帶上包上可循環再用及可卸除的物料以增加舒適度;或在竹籃內加入固定水樽位置的物品。其餘協助性物料一律不接受。違規者將會被取消資格。在歸還竹籃及肩帶前必須自行清理及移除一切附加的物料。
    Participants must use the bamboo basket and shoulder straps provided by the Organizer (but not other carrier, backpack or straps) to carry the 5L bottled water. Reusable and removable materials may be used to wrap around the straps to provide comfort or to put into the bamboo basket to fix the position of the water bottle. Other assisting materials are not allowed. Violators will be disqualified. All add-on materials must be removed before returning the basket and straps to the Organizer.


  13. 參加者必須自行揹負竹籃及水,但同組隊友可提供協助。如有非隊友在賽事進行期間協助任何參加者(如揹竹籃或水),該參加者/隊伍將被取消參加資格。
    Participants must carry the bamboo basket and bottled water by themselves, but assistance may be provided by teammate(s). If any assistance or support to any participants is provided by any non-participant or teammate (e.g. carrying the bamboo basket and bottled water for any participant) during the race, the relevant participant or team will be disqualified.


  14. 如參加者因未能預見的體力問題或任何原因未能繼續賽事,該參加者或其隊友必須立即通知在場的工作人員或致電賽事熱線通知主辦機構。該參加者或其隊友須儘量將相關參加者的竹籃及水交回最接近之檢查站或水站。該隊伍餘下的隊友可繼續餘下賽事,繼續賽事之相關隊友成績將不獲大會排名。
    If any participant could not complete the race due to unforeseen physical conditions or any other reasons, the participant or his/her teammate(s) must immediately report the incident to race officials or call the Event Hotline to notify the Organizer. The participant or his/her teammate(s) must use their best endeavor to return the bamboo basket and bottled water of the relevant participant to the nearest checkpoint or water station. The remaining team member(s) may continue with the race, but their result will not be ranked.


  15. 參加者無論在任何情況下退出是次比賽,已繳交之報名費及捐款將在任何情況下均不獲退還。
    If any participants withdraws from the race for whatever reason, none of the registration fees and donations will be refunded under any circumstances.


  16. 參加者不得在沿途亂扔垃圾及破壞或騷擾任何植物或動物。
    Littering, damaging or disturbing any flora or fauna is strictly prohibited.


  17. 參加者不能攜帶任何構成危險或阻礙比賽進行的物品 (例如攻擊性武器、易燃、爆炸性物品或阻礙其他參加者之物品等)進入比賽範圍,違規者將被即時要求離開賽道及可能交由執法人員跟進。主辦機構保留追究任何觸犯、違反或不遵守香港法例的參加者的權利。
    Participants must not carry any items that would constitute danger or affect the race (e.g. offensive weapons, inflammable, explosive or items affecting other participants) to the race route and event area. Violators will be asked to leave the race route immediately and may be handed to the law enforcement body. The Organizer reserves the right to claim against any participant who violates, or breaches any laws and regulations of Hong Kong.

更改、中斷或取消賽事 Change, terminate or race cancellation

  1. 主辦機構保留因應天氣或道路的實際情況(包括但不限於出現山泥傾瀉、山火、示威活動或路線被阻塞或封閉等的情況)或其他緊急情況下,於賽事前或進行中更改賽道或中斷賽事之權利而無須作另行事前通知。如緊急車輛必須於比賽進行期間使用部份賽道以盡快處理緊急情況,主辦機構亦可能會暫停賽事。在任何緊急情況下,參加者必須聽從現場工作人員或執法人員的指示。若此等情況發生,主辦機構將不會退還報名費及捐款。
    The Organizer reserves the right to change the race route or terminate the race without prior notice due to weather conditions, actual road conditions (including but not limited to landslides, hill fires, protests or blockage or closure along the race route) or any other emergency situations. The race may also be temporarily suspended for emergency vehicles to get access and handle emergency situation during the race. In case of any emergency situation, participants should follow the instructions of onsite race officials or law enforcement officers. None of the registration fees and donations will be refunded under any of these circumstances.


  2. 如比賽因惡劣天氣、山泥傾瀉、山火、示威活動或路線被堵塞或封閉、不可抗力事件或任何其他原因取消或終止,比賽將不會重辦,所有報名費及捐款將不獲退還。
    If the race is cancelled or terminated due to adverse weather, landslide, hill fire, protest, road blockage or closure, force majeure or any other reason, the race will not be rescheduled. None of the registration fees and donations will be refunded.

其他 Others

  1. 主辦機構保留使用參加者的肖像,比賽的聲音,錄像或任何紀錄作為日後活動宣傳之用的權利。
    The Organizer reserves the right to use portrait of the participants, sounds, video or any record of the event for future promotional purpose.


  2. 主辦機構已購買團體人身意外及公眾責任保險,但這並非參加者個人的人身意外保險。參加者在任何情況下引致他人受傷亦不在保障範圍內。參加者須自行承擔在活動期間之所有風險,亦可按需要自行購買其他適合的保險。
    The Organizer has purchased a group personal accident and public liability insurance for the race. This however is not a personal accident insurance for individual participants. Also, participants will not be covered if they cause injury to others under any circumstances. Participants shall be responsible for his/her own risks during the event and may purchase other suitable insurance by themselves as needed.


  3. 「揹水一戰」屬自願參與性質,參加者願意承擔一切風險及責任,並無權向主辦機構及其代理人、贊助商、支援機構及/或他們各自的員工和工作人員追討在往返活動場地中、活動過程中或其他原因而引致之自身或他人受傷、意外、死亡或任何形式的損失索償或追究責任。
    Participation in “Race for Water” is strictly voluntary in nature and at each participant’s own risk. Each participant agrees to absolve the Organizer and its agents, the sponsors, the supporting organizations and/or their respective employees and staff members from any and all claims and liabilities whether arising from bodily injury, accident, death or other loss and whether incurred during the event, travelling to or from the event or for any other reason whatsoever.


  4. 上述條款或細則之構成本會與參加者的協定。非本協定的的訂約方的人士無權根據《合約(第三者權力)條例》(香港法例第623章)執行任何本協議的條款。
    These terms and conditions constitute an agreement between the Organizer and each Participant. A person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any term of this agreement.


  5. 主辦機構保留在任何時候更改任何條款或細則之權利而不作另行通知。如有爭議,主辦機構會保留最終決定權。
    The Organizer reserves the right to amend all the above terms and conditions at any time without further notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Organizer shall be final.


  6. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律的管轄及解釋。
    The terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


  7. 若英文本與中文本之間如有任何歧義,則以中文本為準。
    In case of discrepancies between the English and the Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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