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Race for Water 2023 will be held on 5 March!

Celebrating world water day

Participants are required to carry 5 liters of bottled water to complete the 15KM or 30KM race.

This campaign poses a physical challenge to racers, and above all, enables a first-hand experience of the hardship and difficulties faced by the villagers every day just to access clean and safe water. 

Water is the foundation of every possibility in life.

This year, we aim to raise HKD 1 million to support our water projects in Cambodia and Nepal.

The proceeds will be used to build water storage and purifying facilities in the

mobile villages and communities, enabling easy access to safe water for everyone. 

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Bringing clean and safe water to over 3,000 people

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Donate HKD550 to gift a giving 

Accelerating changes and solving water crisis

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